Duty of Care


The Members of the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India (CCBI), imbued with the spirit of their founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, whose motivation for the founding of the Congregation was generated by a deep compassion for poor children, and in accord with Gospel values and the mission and values of the Congregation, are committed to the protection of children and young people from all forms of Abuse. All adults in any Centre of Activity (COA) of the Congregation, whether members of the Congregation or its employees, agents and volunteers, are expected to support the rights of children and young people and to ensure that a child safe environment is maintained.

The Congregation of Christian Brothers is committed to protecting the rights and dignity of children and young people, and to being alert to the potential for or incidents of abuse in whatever form. Hence,

We examine with promptness every concern or allegation of Abuse of children or young people by members of the Congregation or its employees and volunteers in order to verify its credibility.

We comply with civil and ecclesiastical laws in dealing with cases of the Abuse of children and young people.

We stand in solidarity with victims of child Abuse and we provide a pastoral response for victims and their families.

We practice a preventive system of protection in our work with children and young people to ensure, as far as possible, safe environments for those entrusted to our care.

We endeavor to educate children under our care to the dangers of Abuse and to give them a voice in situations of abuse by promoting awareness of, and response to abusive behavior.

We engage parents and staff in the collaborative effort to make them aware of the issues involved in the Abuse of children.

This Policy statement and accompanying Procedures reflect and articulate the conviction of the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India that all forms of abuse of children and young people constitute gravely serious matters. The Congregation is therefore determined to do all it can to prevent such abuse, with special attention to the protection of children from sexual offences, from occurring by creating a child friendly environment. It has established a clear set of procedures for responding immediately to abuse brought to its attention.

The Congregation of Christian Brothers in India acknowledges the possibility that the use of undue influence in a Centre of Activity may make an adult vulnerable to the abuse of their individual rights and dignity. This Policy statement and its accompanying Procedures for dealing with abuse of children and young people will also apply, subject to relevance, to the protection of any such vulnerable adults.

Further, the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India, is committed to putting in place systems to prevent, prohibit and redress, the sexual harassment of women in the workplace.

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